Habitat Resources
​Native Seed Suppliers
Here is a list of seed suppliers and plant nurseries that sell plants which are indigenous to the region. The word "native" refers to plants that grow within 100-200 miles of the area to be planted. These plants have evolved over thousands of years as part of this region's ecosystem. For the MN DNR list of Southern Minnesota Native Plant Nurseries and Consultants, Click HERE
Feder's Prairie Seed Co., Blue Earth MN, http://www.federprairieseed.com/
Landscape Alternatives, Inc., Taylor’s Falls MN, http://www.landscapealternatives.com/
Ion Exchange Nursery, Harpers Ferry IA, http://www.ionxchange.com/
Outback Nursery, Hastings MN, http://www.outbacknursery.com/
Prairie Restorations, Inc., 5 regional MN offices, http://www.prairieresto.com/
Prairie Moon Nursery, Winona MN, http://www.prairiemoon.com/
Shooting Star Native Seeds, Spring Grove MN, http://www.shootingstarnativeseed.com/
Seed Savers Exchange, Decorah IA 52101, seedsavers.org
Prairie Burn Consultants
It is important for burn contractors to have experience with the preparation, permitting, safety and insurance for burning prairies. For Prairie Smoke's printable list of recommended local burn contractors with contact details, click HERE
Minnesota Conservation Corps, Rochester DNR Office
MN Native Landscapes, L.L.C., Otsego, MN
Prairie Land Management (PLM), Glenwood, MN
Prairie Restorations, Inc. (PRI), Lewiston office
Prairie Creek Farm, Cannon Falls, MN
Short, Elliot, Hendrickson, Inc, Rochester, MN
The Kestrel Design Group, Inc, Minneapolis, MN
Conservation Landscapes - Hugh Valiant, Waterville, MN
Wildlife Consulting Services, Kasson, MN
Zumbro Valley Forestry, Elgin, MN and Northfield MN
Habitat Forever, St. Leo, MN
TriCounty Pheasants Forever-Eric Councelman, Rochester MN
Recommended Reading List
Prairie Smoke has compiled a reading list covering topics such as prairie restoration, native plants, invasive species, pollination and reference books. For Prairie Smoke's list of recommended reading materials, click HERE.