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Prairie Smoke Events

Ongoing Projects:

Prairie Smoke has activities and projects that continue throughout the year.

The all volunteer board members work on:

  • Loaning out burn equipment to members

  • Arranging speakers for upcoming presentations

  • Supporting Scholarships for students in Agriculture careers

  • Annually updating the Suggested Reading List and library book donations

  • Organizing Seed Swap events

  • Designing educational display board and brochures used at fairs and conferences

  • Organizing field trips, work days and other activities for club members

  • Planning the Fall picnic

Prairie Burns:

Prairie Smoke members volunteer to help with burning prairies as requests are received.  These burns typically happen in the spring or fall.   After a burn project is approved and burn permits are acquired, the burn can be scheduled.  Invitations go out to members by email to request their participation in the project.


Volunteer Opportunities:

Prairie Smoke arranges volunteer projects during the summer months such as removing invasive species, planting natives,   seed harvesting, reseeding prairies and roadside trash pickup.  Members are notified by email of upcoming volunteer opportunities.  Also, volunteer projects are listed on the Upcoming Events page of this website.

Do you have an idea for a field trip?

If so, please contact Ed Pfannkoch at

T-shirt Fundraiser

Prairie Smoke has T-shirts for sale. Long sleeve T-shirts are $12 and short sleeved T-shirts are $10.  For purchase, please contact any board member for pick-up or attend an event.


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